Donald J. Lamoreaux Park, 4585 Coit Ave NE, Grand Rapids ~ January 2021

The first time we tried to find this park, google led us astray so the next time we were in the area we tried again, found it, and returned another day. This was the last day the sun shone here 😏 
We started out on this long path that lead towards the river, and we didn't hold out much hope for this person that lost a purse back in October.
There are no maps or trail markers so when we came to the first fork in the road we hung right and saved the left for the next time.
There are several small paths that diverge from the main trail and we took them all.
No need to worry about getting lost because all routes end up back at the main path.
There are a few creeks and then the mighty Grand River makes its appearance.
There's warm water running under here and emptying into the Grand River.
On our next visit we smelled sewage near the park entrance - ugh.
After walking for about a mile along the river, the trail turns and starts looping back around towards the parking lot. But not before running into a graffiti wall and a small mountain.
Views from the top.
It was a hard scrabble up but we found an easier path down.
Someone had taken the time to build several snow people and take a slush walk.
Our next time at the park we took the aforementioned left turn and found this when we got to the river.
Seeing nothing untoward, we ventured forth.
We walked on along the river and came upon these logs but never found the promised viewing platform.
The path hit a dead end on a residential street. A guy sitting on his front porch gave us a wave and we said we'd be out of his way in a minute. He laughed and said the trail closed signs have been up for two years, after a flood, and the township never took them down.
So we backtracked, got back to main trail, and took the loop back around.
We found the remains of the snow people from three days ago.
Depending on how many detour trails you take, you can walk from 2.5 to 3.5 miles at this park, and even more if you climb the mountain. Be forewarned that some of the small divergent trails have some major but brief elevation changes. The main path is level, not paved, but very accessible. There are no facilities here and tons of dog poop so plan and walk accordingly. It's an overall very pleasing park to walk.


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