
Showing posts from December, 2020

Roselle Park, 1010 Grand River Dr NE, Ada ~ 12/30/20

 Situated on the former site of Ada Beef Company, Roselle Park offers flat, paved trails that take you down to and along the Grand River. There are mile markers and a couple of maps. The maps are informative but there's no way you can get lost in this park. The routes are easy hikes and very popular on a nice day. Today being a snowy day, we shared the park with three other people. It was great. Because we've walked here so many times, I am including photos from other days/years as well as from today. This boardwalk looks like it might take you somewhere but don't be fooled. It's a dead-end. And no one wanted to venture forth on it today, at least so far. We always stop at this overlook, just because it is there. Unless we are avoiding crowds, we take the path that brings you directly to the river, walking through the park counter-clockwise as most people do. This creek will be crossed twice depending on your route. Today, the Grand River had floating, frozen islands co

Seidman Park, , 8155 Conservation Dr, Ada ~ 12/7 & 12/14/20

  This is a park you can walk again and again and not get bored. If you're looking for flat, paved trails, this is not your park. If you like varied elevations, dirt paths, and walking in the woods, this is your park. We came in off Conservation (there is also an entrance on Honeycreek) and foolishly took the paved path that led to a boardwalk that led to a paved path along Honeycreek. We thought there would be a cutoff into the park and after about a mile we just took a man-made semi-trail that got us off the road path. We had a map and the few trail markers we found indicated we were on the yellow trail. So not knowing the park, we just sallied forth into the woods. And what a lovely woods it is. We found ourselves down by the water & back near the parking lot so we circled back to get a few more miles. Our only complaint about this park is that some of the trailer markers are confusing, and there are not enough of them. We came to too many unmarked forks in the road and so h